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7 reasons to wake up at 5am

Illustration: Reza HasniAlthough many people believe that they’re a night owl for life, feeling more active at night is a result of lifelong habits. Similarly, you can become a morning person just by waking up at 5 AM. Waking up at 5 AM isn’t a habit reserved for productive entrepreneurs who plan on working 16 hours a day. Rising at the crack of dawn has an array of benefits that can apply to any person with any lifestyle. Whether you find comfort in isolation, seek to reduce distractions, or are struggling to feel more rested at night, getting up at 5 AM is a great way to reach your goals. Below are seven reasons to start waking up at 5 AM and five ways to make the habit enjoyable and productive.

You’ll strengthen your self-discipline When I started going to the gym every morning, I found that it wasn’t the physical improvements that were the most significant reward; it was the self-discipline. Even though you may not have to wake up at 5 AM every day to get stuff done, the act of doing so allows you to start on the right foot and practice self-discipline. Chances are, the first two weeks of getting up at 5 AM will consist of hesitation and a rough sleep schedule. You won’t be eager to get out of bed; you’ll have to force yourself. This will strengthen your self-discipline, and once you’re out of bed, you’ll feel more motivated to do the work, now that you’ve forced yourself to wake up at such an early hour.

You’ll gain extra planning time Waking up at 5 AM gives you time to yourself, making it an excellent opportunity to plan out your day and identify your goals. Merely waking up at this time will provide you with a significant productivity boost and leave you more motivated to get stuff done. Once you find that 5 AM no longer seems like an ungodly hour, you’ll find the routine to be quite enjoyable. One of the most satisfying parts of a productive morning routine is being able to plan out all of your tasks for the day. 5 AM is a great hour to focus on yourself, your goals, and your career without any distractions.

You’ll gain extra work time Getting up at 5 AM is a great way to get more stuff done. Let’s say you typically work 9–5. If you start waking up at 5 AM, instead of 8 AM, you’ll have an extra 3 hours to plan out your day, start a new side hustle, or meditate & focus on your well-being. That being said, waking up at 5 AM doesn’t mean you magically gain more time to be productive. You’ll still have to go to bed at an earlier hour to maintain a healthy sleep schedule. Even though you’ll have to go to bed earlier, waking up earlier is a great way to maximize your waking hours. Post-lunch dip is real, and after 1 PM, it seems that our productivity may never return to its peak. This makes 5 AM a great time to get our day started and leaves us most of the time after 1 PM to relax.

You can finish work earlier Instead of working 9–5, you can work from 5–1! Even though you’ll most likely want to go to sleep earlier, being done with your work in the afternoon can feel more relaxing and refreshing. You’ll also be more likely to plan for the next day ahead, making these habits more productive all together. Another upside to getting your work done earlier is having the most challenging parts of your day behind you!

You’ll sleep better at night After about 14 days of getting up at 5 AM, you’ll get into the habit of falling asleep earlier and waking up earlier. While it may seem like some people are early birds and others are night owls, it’s relatively easy to program your body and restart your circadian rhythm. Once you find that getting up at 5 AM is your new routine, your body will feel ready to fall asleep earlier. The next morning, you’ll feel well-rested, even at the crack of dawn.

You’ll have more time to yourself 5 AM is a great hour to dedicate to yourself without any distractions. Getting up at 5 AM isn’t just a way to get more work done; it’s a way to give more time to yourself. During this time, it’s a great idea to work out, plan your day, meditate, or do self-care. Since nobody else is awake at this time, you’ll be able to focus all of your energy on one thing without any external distractions or overwhelming demands.

You’ll feel more motivated throughout the day Getting up at 5 AM is a great incentive to get work done. Now that you’ve forced yourself to get out of bed before the sun has risen, you’ll feel motivated to get stuff done & not let your early rising habit go to waste. Whether you want to go to the gym, plan out career goals, or listen to morning podcasts, getting up at this time allows you to start each day off on the right foot, letting your body know that today is going to be productive.

How can you start waking up at 5 AM every day without feeling restless or burning out? Below are five ways to make your 5 AM morning routine more comfortable to follow and more motivating.

Be consistent The first two weeks will be the hardest. Although waking up at 5 AM is not an easy habit to follow, it’s well worth it. If you barely get any sleep on your first night, keep in mind that the second night will probably be much more comfortable, and your body will slowly program itself to fall asleep earlier and get more shut-eye. Even if you don’t plan on waking up at 5 AM every single day of the week, it’s essential to stay consistent and stick to your plan on the days that you want to wake up at that hour. Sooner than you know it, it’ll feel like second nature.

Set a routine You won’t be motivated to wake up at 5 AM if you don’t have a reason for doing so. You don’t necessarily have to plan out your entire day ahead. Instead, it’s essential to identify how you are going to spend your morning and why you are getting up that early in the first place. Identifying your “why” will motivate you to get out of bed and stay consistent. Your reason for getting up at 5 AM can look many different ways, including:

  • You want to practice self-discipline

  • You want to meditate more often

  • You want to go to the gym first thing in the morning

  • You want to get more work done

  • You want more time to yourself

Once you identify your why, you’ll be ready to hop out of bed in no time and you’ll be eager to start your day.

Get rid of the snooze button The best way to stay consistent is not to give yourself another option. To jump out of bed at 5 AM, despite how you are feeling, is ultimate self-discipline. Since you won’t feel like getting up at 5 AM the first few weeks, you’ll have to force yourself to get up at 5 AM. Put your alarm clock or phone away from your bed so that you’ll be forced to stand up right away!

Reward yourself for progress Now that you’re up earlier, you’ll likely be done with your daily to-do list earlier as well. Once you’ve finished your work for the day, reward yourself by spending your demand-free evening however you want. Soon, you’ll enjoy the long afternoons and nights that you have to yourself without having to stress about demands.

Have an accountability buddy Since nobody else is (likely) awake at 5 AM, a great way to make your new morning routine more enjoyable is to do it with friends. Having an accountability buddy is a great way to make sure the other person is awake, socialize early in the morning, or go to the gym with friends. If nobody you know plans on getting up as early as you do, figure out if there’s somebody in a different time zone that could make sure you’re awake at that time. Either way, it’ll feel more rewarding to know that somebody else is recognizing your efforts and holding you accountable!

Ultimately, getting up at 5 AM every day won’t be easy at first, but it’s a habit worth working for. After just a week or two, you’ll feel more well-rested, productive, and motivated throughout the day.

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